Saturday, November 29, 2008


There is a spot on patients’ charts where the doctor fills in any possible complications of pregnancy or risks for a certain patient. I think they automatically put “NURSE” in this blank spot when it applies. In the health world it is called the “Nurses’ Curse.” Now I am a believer. When Ashley had her last two kids she had emergency C-sections with both of them! With Parker the doctor even said he had never seen anything like what happened to Ashley. I told Erin we would have none of this “MAMA DRAMA” with her babies. Well, as usual, I was wrong wrong wrong!!!!!!!

Erin was admitted to the hospital on Thanksgiving Day with high blood pressure, high heart rate, and visual disturbances. They began treatment for preeclampsia with steroid shots to boost Grant’s lung function in case he had to be delivered. After a 24-hour observation period it was determined through lab tests, ultrasounds, and monitoring that this was not the case. I am SOOO thankful for that. She will be seeing a cardiologist next week to check on her symptoms but I am praying that this also checks out to be only pregnancy related changes that are not critical. Baby Grant looked great on his ultrasound!

Each grandbaby takes 10 years off my life with all of this stuff! Maybe we could do a rewind and the girls could pick a different occupation????

She will kill me for posting this picture when she was in triage!!

After her counts went DOWN!

Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support…….

Sunday, November 23, 2008


We celebrated Parker’s 1st birthday yesterday and nobody had more fun than he did. Every time he opened a present he would clap his hands and grin so big. Ashley made him a carousel cake (carousel cakes are a tradition for our family for 1st birthdays). There was lots of good food to eat including sausage balls, pigs ‘n a blanket, chicken quesadillas, hot wings, veggies, and dips. He had so much fun digging into his little cake!

In the above picture he is trying to invite everyone to join him. He is so good at sharing!!

Parker has grown so fast and we all just want him to stay little. He is so precious and it always amazes me how fast these babies learn and grow. When Ashley or Pete say “let’s get your coat on” he walks to them and helps to put his coat on, he waves bye bye (sometimes when no one else is leaving but he is ready to go), he understands “no no” (no, we don’t say that constantly), and often will walk over to you and put his head on your knee and pats you like he is giving you a hug.


I think I am the luckiest Grammy in the whole world…………

Tuesday, November 11, 2008


This pic was taken November 2.

Little Grant is growing big and strong and we are getting more and more excited. Christmas comes so fast and then it won’t be long until Grant will be here. I hope Erin enjoys every minute of her pregnancy (even though her back and everything else hurts sometimes). There is never another time when you don’t have to worry about where your child is, if they are safe, if they are hungry, or cold, or if they just need a hug!

Erin, the time goes so fast and before you know it Grant will be in Junior High and you will be shuttling him from one place to the other and wondering how he got to be so big.

So enjoy this time because it will be over way too soon…..

Friday, November 7, 2008


No, I did not wash a load of clothes while I was home for lunch with NO CLOTHES in the washing machine!

Note to Self: Check and see if there is a full moon tonight.......


No, I did not brush my teeth this morning with moisturizer!!!!!

NOTE TO SELF: C - R - E - S- T!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Halloween 2008

The kids were so cute in their costumes and had a great time trick or treating. Even Parker endured wearing his scarecrow costume all night. The only costume I made this year was Rylee’s and she was soooo proud of it. I think she made a beautiful Dorothy and will probably dress up as Dorothy many times until she outgrows her dress. Luke was a very handsome gangster!!! He thought this costume was so much fun. Mom was here this year and enjoyed seeing the kids dressed up and so excited about Halloween!

I think Halloween is such a fun holiday. How many times do children get to dress up any way they want and just “pretend” for a whole day?

Next year there will be one more to add to the fun and I can hardly wait........